The school vision is to create lifelong global learners who are prepared for their future and who will strive to continually improve themselves, their community, and the world. To achieve this vision our mission is to foster a safe and stimulating learning environment where all students are supported to achieve their full potential academically, socially and emotionally.
Last night during our final School Council meeting for this term, I had the pleasure and privilege to share and celebrate Belle Vue’s many achievements in 2023.
Belle Vue continues to be a high performing school as evidenced by the particularly strong results in the Victorian Curriculum Data, 2023.
- Both the English and Maths Data were above the State and Similar School averages across Prep – Year 6 in the percentage of students achieving at or above the age expected level, as reflected by teacher judgements.
- Year 5 NAPLAN Reading was above State and Similar School averages for the percentage of students achieving Strong or Exceeding results.
- Year 3 NAPLAN for reading was above Similar Schools for the percentage of students achieving Strong or Exceeding results.
- Year 3 and 5 numeracy was above State and Similar School averages for the percentage of students achieving Strong or Exceeding results.
Every year students in Years 4-6 complete the Attitudes to School Survey and the percentage of positive responses to the elements of ‘Sense of Confidence’ and ‘Management of Bullying’ were higher than both the Similar Schools and State averages. The percentage of positive endorsement for students not experiencing bullying is above both Similar Schools and Stage averages. Staff at Belle Vue work incredibly hard to build strong and positive relationships with all students across the school, which also means they build a stronger knowledge and understanding to identify students’ point of learning. Our fundamental belief is that they are all of ‘our students.’ Overall, a fantastic outcome for us to build on as a community moving forward.
A warm welcome to our new students and their families who have joined Belle Vue this week, George in 12P and River in 23P. We trust you have had a positive start this week, and please reach out to me or your classroom teacher at anytime.
From the beginning of term 2, students attending before and after school care are to be dropped off and collected from the gate closest to the school hall along Highview Road. We ask parents/carers to avoid using the staff car park at these times. We appreciate your cooperation with this.
It was great to celebrate International Womens day recently and acknowledge all the amazing women in our lives, community and on our staff. We are grateful for your leadership, strength and for the positive impact on others you have every day.
This week we had Harmony Day, which celebrates and recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone. Our students participated and learnt about a traditional Italian Folkdance and were engaged in a range of fun activities and lessons that celebrated Harmony Week and Cultural Diversity.
Early next term we will commence our Learning Partners program. This important program Contemporary research consistently finds involvement of parents and carers in school life and the classroom, can foster increased student engagement, increased confidence, and a stronger connection for parents/carers to the classroom and the models of teaching and learning at Belle Vue that we use every day.
If you would like to support learning in the classroom please keep an eye out for further information early next term.
A reminder that Thursday the 28th of March is the final day of Term 1, with students being dismissed from 2.30pm. We wish you all a safe an enjoyable holiday as a family. If you are travelling, please travel safe and we look forward to seeing you all back on Monda the 15ht of April for the start of term 2.