Belle Vue Primary School was established on the current site and opened on 14th August 1957.
With a current student population of approximately 150 students, Belle Vue is situated in spacious, well maintained grounds in Balwyn North. The spacious school grounds contain an oval, basketball court, a synthetic netball court and cricket pitch. Many mature trees provide shade. Additionally, our students enjoy grassed areas and other hard-surface play areas. In 2012, with the completion of the new BER building, considerable planting was undertaken. This adds to the already pleasant school grounds. The focus for this landscaping was on using indigenous plants.
Belle Vue is consistently above the median for all Victorian state schools according to Victorian Curriculum and NAPLAN data. Compared to other schools, Belle Vue has performed as predicted when taking into account the background of our students. We will continue to focus on developing the capacity of our staff with weekly Professional Learning, mentoring, coaching and ongoing provision for feedback.
Student attendance at Belle Vue is well above the state mean and is higher than would be predicted on adjusted scores. This reflects a highly supportive parent body. Our excellent attendance rates provide a platform from which to build greater levels of engagement for all students, although punctuality needs to remain a priority.
Belle Vue continues to provide a comprehensive approach to transition at all levels for our students. Foundation transition consists of a series of orientation sessions culminating in a full day, in the year prior to commencing school. The orientation for students transitioning to secondary school has been effective and will remain as part of our school program.
Our school takes pride in its strong community atmosphere, which fosters partnerships between students, staff, parents and the local community. Parental involvement covers a wide range of activities including classroom assistance, fundraising, multicultural day, lunch days and sporting activities. Programs are formally supported by school council and the Parents and Friends Group. Camp Australia operates before and after school care programs.
The school operates extra-curricular activities and liaises with external providers to offer high-quality programs. A Greek School operates independently during out of school hours on Monday. Belle Vue has a strong basketball affiliation, with parents running before and after school training sessions for all teams at all year levels, (prep through to Grade 6). Running club operates each Monday and Thursday morning from 8:15am to 8:45am for all students in all year levels.
Belle Vue offers quality, highly planned and documented programs in the domains of English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Humanities, Health and Physical Education, Language Other Than English (Italian), Music and the Arts, which includes an annual drama/music production an Art Auction and Exhibition. Literacy and Numeracy are given priority through daily timetabled blocks and the school has a strong focus on Social and Emotional Learning, focusing on developing happy, healthy and resilient people.
Visiting teachers provide individual instrumental tuition. Special assistance is provided for integrated students through the appointment of Education Support Staff to the school.
Written student reports and Student Led Conferences provide information to parents on student achievement and progress. To know our students, teachers meet regularly in Professional Learning Communities to develop learning logs. The Annual Report to School Council details the advances and accomplishments of the school. The fortnightly online newsletter provides parents and the community with information and is used to inform and encourage participation in school events. The school also uses a phone app to communicate with parents who choose to use this service.
The school believes it is vital to build links with our community and know our students and their families. To this end, all staff are on duty and available to our community every day after school. This has had a positive impact on staff-parent relationships and is highly valued by the community.
At Belle Vue Primary School we believe that every child has the right and capacity to learn and succeed. We have high expectations of all learners and ensure that teachers maximise learning opportunities to ensure success.
With the implementation of this Strategic Plan and the continuation of weekly professional learning workshops, which focus on teaching and learning; building teacher capacity and accountability (in terms of assessment and data collection), regular support and feedback on planning, peer observations and reciprocal teaching, we can ensure that all staff have a shared vision and contextualise their teaching practices leading to improved performance outcomes for all students.