o-Physical Education

The Physical Education program for 2024 is based around Fundamental Motor skills, game play and development, teamwork and sportsmanship. Our sequential learning program aims to develop a love of physical activity, by allowing the students to gain confidence and skills that they can use to enjoy sports throughout their lives. We understand that all children contribute at different levels, and our PE lessons are aimed to meet the needs of each student, with a focus on participation and engagement.





All students participate in Physical Education sessions for 1 hour per week, and classroom teachers provide additional sports sessions throughout the term. Students are encouraged to participate in non-competitive sports just for fun, but we also provide the opportunity for students to excel in interschool sports and beyond!



The major sports events include:

  • Cross Country day in Term 2
  • Athletics Carnival in Term 3
  • Swimming Carnival and program in Term 4

Throughout the year there are many other fun activities such as A Prep-Grade 6 Running Club and a Year 6 led lunchtime sports activities also meets twice a week to keep students fit and train for various upcoming events within a social environment.

Additionally, during Term 1 and 2 Grade 5/6 play in a weekly Interschool Sports competition aimed at developing students’ game sense, sport-specific skills and general sportspersonship in a friendly, competitive environment. They compete with other schools in the Boroondara District in sports such as Netball, Cricket, Tennis, Volleyball, T-Ball, Soccer and ALF 9s.