o-School Council

All government schools in Victoria have a School Council.

 School Councillors for 2024

  • Markus Roten –  President
  • Oliver Kysela – Vice President
  •  Spiros Lefteriotis– Treasurer
  •  Madeleine Murdoch
  • Drew Kozak
  • Katrina Mclean
  • Carney Kucharski (DET Rep)
  • Bryce Griesheimer (DET Rep)
  • Andrew Wood – Executive Officer
  • Annette Bruce – Minute Secretary

School Councils are legally formed bodies that set the directions of a school within centrally provided guidelines. In doing this, a School Council is able to directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students.

The role of School Council is to:

  • Establish the broad direction and vision of the school within the school’s community
  • Develop and monitor the school strategic plan
  • Develop, review and update school policies
  • Develop, review and monitor the Student Code of Conduct and the School Dress Code
  • Raise funds for school related purposes
  • Approve the annual budget and monitor expenditure
  • Maintain the school’s grounds and facilities
  • Enter into contracts (e.g. cleaning, construction work)
  • Report annually to the school community and to DET
  • Stimulate interest in the school generally

School Council does not manage the day to day running of the school. For example, it does not employ teaching staff, decide which classes students will be assigned to, or sort out issues relating to individual teachers and students and/or parents. Nor does it discuss individual issues relating to teachers or staff or parents – these are very clearly management roles, and therefore the principal’s job.

School Councillors are not appointed to represent specific interest groups or permit special interests to dominate the agenda of the council.

Membership of School Council:

Within the School Council, there are three categories of members:

  • A mandated elected parent category (6 members)
  • A mandated elected DET employee category (3 members).
  • An optional community member category who is co-opted for a period of two years (1 member)

School Council may co-opt members who may bring expertise or skills to the council.

The Principal is an ongoing member and Executive Officer of School Council.

The term of office for all elected members is two years. Half the members must withdraw each year and may stand for re-election, creating vacancies for the annual school council elections.

Parents on school councils help shape the direction of the school through their input to debate issues within Council’s responsibility. You can become involved by voting in the elections, which are held in Term 1 each year, or standing for election or encouraging others to stand for election. Meetings are generally held monthly.

School Council Sub-Committees:

School Councillors are expected to participate on at least one sub-committee.

Parents who are not on School Council are welcome to join a sub-committee of interest.

  • Curriculum
  • Finance
  • Buildings and Grounds

Additionally, School Council encourages our community to support the Parents and Friends Association, which welcomes new committee members.