Social & Emotional Learning

Social & Emotional Learning @ Belle Vue Primary School

At Belle Vue Primary School we implement the You Can Do It & Respectful Relationships programs to develop the social and emotional wellbeing of our students.

We foster a school-wide approach to our social and emotional learning programs, and ensure these programs are embedded throughout our teaching and learning, and across our school community.

You Can Do It!

The You Can Do It! Program has been implemented at Belle Vue Primary School for over 10 years.

You Can Do It! improves the social and emotional wellbeing of students through a framework of 5 ‘keys’:

  • Persistence
  • Confidence
  • Organisation
  • Getting Along
  • Resilience

These 5 areas are underpinned by the 12 positive Habits of the Mind.

12 Positive Habits Of Mind

Respectful Relationships Program

The Royal Commission into Family Violence recommended all Victorian government schools implement the Respectful Relationships whole-school approach, which supports school leaders, educators and school communities to promote and model respect and equality.

Respectful Relationships teaches children how to build healthy relationships, resilience, and confidence.

Belle Vue Primary School aims to bring about a cultural awareness and change in how we treat each other, which will have positive impacts on students’ academic outcomes, students mental health, classroom behaviour, and relationships with their teachers, peers, friends and family.

National Day of Action Against Violence & Bullying

Belle Vue Primary School participates bi-annually in the National Day of Action Against Violence & Bullying. Students develop skills around anti-bullying and anti-violence concepts, through our teaching of the Respectful Relationships program in our classrooms.