Thank you for your interest in volunteering at our school. The purpose of this induction pack is to ensure Belle Vue Primary School volunteers are familiar with our policies and procedures relating to child safety and understand the important role they play in maintaining and promoting the safety of our students.
Volunteers must read the suite of policies and procedures in the links below before commencing any work where children are likely to be present.
One of the key enablers of improving student health, wellbeing and learning outcomes is through a sustained and strong Home-School Partnership. At Belle Vue Primary School we value a strong culture of community support and engagement.
Contemporary research consistently finds involvement of parents and carers in school life and the classroom, can foster increased student engagement, increased confidence, and a stronger connection for parents/carers to the classroom and the models of teaching and learning at Belle Vue that we use every day. If you would like to support learning in the classroom or support with excursions , please read through the Volunteers Induction Pack below and complete the 2023 Learning Partners Agreement. All volunteers in schools require a current Working With Children Check
Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedures