Principal’s Update 31 August


Excitement is building for very first community bush dance.

On this evening you will see each grade perform their own very special dance lead by the amazing Blackberry Jam Bush Band, then it’s your turn to Swing Your Partner ‘round and ‘round and have some serious fun. Don’t worry if you have never bush danced before, our kids will already have had  lessons from the band and will be there to guide and support you every step of the way.

So, get ready to Heal and Toe to Belle Vue for our first ever Bush Dance!

What to wear: Cowboy hats, jeans, double denim, boots and flannelette shirts anything

What to bring: A wonderful attitude and sense of fun

We ask for students to arrive here at school at 5.15pm, with the concert ready to start at 5.30pm in the hall. Students can be collected from 7.30pm, when the evening concludes.

All students are expected to participate in the Bush Dance performance as this is part of the school performing arts curriculum.


Thank you all for creating your online profile! Currently we have raised over $5,000. Our goal is close to $20,000 so please keep supporting us. Remember, the money raised will go towards enhancing our students’ educational experiences at Belle Vue and our Junior School Council, representing student voice, will have an important input in how we spend the funds raised. Please remember to keep sharing your online fundraising link. Text message is always the best way to share your link, followed by social media and lastly, email. Try to share every two days to keep donations coming in.

We will be looking for parent/carer volunteers on the day of the fun run and we will have more information about this early next term. Students are encouraged to wear white clothing during the event, something simple as a white t-shirt from Kmart. These are selling for as little as $3.50.

Students will be able to order their prizes from Monday 2nd of October (The start of Term 4). You are all doing a fantastic job at with your fundraising efforts, so lets keep going.


Sun safety is a shared responsibility and staff, parents and students are encouraged to implement a combination of sun protection measures. All staff and students are required to wear their sun hat from Monday September 4th when outside. Please ensure to pack a sun smart sun hat with your child. Sun smart hats can be purchased from the school office if required.


Thank you to the parents/carers who have completed the annual Parent/Carer Opinion Survey. This survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parent perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. I thank those who have completed the survey and I gently remind those who wish to participate, to do so by September the 8th, at which point the survey will close.

Survey link:
School Name: Belle Vue Primary School
Campus Name: Belle Vue Primary School
PIN: 563974


If you are aware of any local community sports group, that may be seeking facilities to train on and use, please encourage them to reach out to me. I would be more than happy to engage with them and explore how they could use some of our facilities, especially or main oval.

Tomorrow, we ask that all students come to school dressed as their favourite book character to help us create a great atmosphere to spend the day participating in activities based around books. We will have a whole school parade starting at 9:10am. It will be on the basketball court if it is a nice morning, and the BER Building if it is raining. All are welcome to come to the parade to see the wonderful costumes and characters the students come as. Afterwards, the students will participate in rotations to look at some of the CBCA Shortlisted stories for 2023. The day will culminate in the performance which is also based around the CBCA Shortlisted stories.


A reminder that Term 3 will end of Friday the 15th of September at 2.30pm. Term 4 will commence on Monday 2nd of October.

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