Roll of Honour Term 4 Week 7

The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday 17th November at 2:45pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).

Nominated by their Teacher:

Prep W Will                   

For being a wonderful role model and example for his classmates, working in a respectful and persistent way.

12P Stephanie

For displaying an excellent work ethic in class, always trying her best and working hard to follow our 5 school values every day.

23P Twara & Ella

For showing great teamwork and collaboration as they work on their Information Report. Well Done!

34W Alex

For always challenging himself during Maths tasks and sharing his learning with others.

56D Hans

For working hard on improving his ability to focus on his tasks. He has become a very hard worker and we are very proud of him.    

56G Asuka

For being an excellent role model to her peers through her exemplary work ethic and  classroom behaviour.

Italian Serah

For being involved in class discussions and giving things a go. Your eagerness to learn is admirable. Bravissima!

Nominated by their Peers:

Prep W

Elpida For always being kind and asking people to play with her.

12P Anita

For always working hard and doing the right things in the classroom.

23P Ryker

For being an inclusive friend and making people laugh. 

34W Brian

For always working respectfully and responsibly during class time.  

56D Baani

For helping when no one else does.

56G Miguel

For working effectively in Enterprise and debating groups.