
Mathematics at Belle Vue Primary School

“Mathematics provides students with access to important mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives. The curriculum also provides students, as life-long learners, with the basis on which further study and research in mathematics and applications in many other fields are built.” (Victorian Curriculum)

Belle Vue Primary School is guided by the Victorian Curriculum when we design mathematics activities across the school. We ensure that we focus on all of the learning areas within Mathematics:

  • Number and Algebra
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability

Teachers at Belle Vue use a wide range of assessment tools to ensure that students are working on mathematics at a level that is just right for them. This allows them to set goals and reflect on their successes. It also allows them to know that they are working at the right level of challenge so mistakes are to be expected, welcomed and worked through. Teachers also make use of concrete resources,  manipulatives and real life situations to further cement the student’s mathematical understandings.

We also use the four Mathematics Proficiencies to help embed working mathematically into the curriculum. Importantly it helps the students to take an active role in their learning such as devising strategies and then justifying them and comparing with others.

  • Understanding

This is when teachers work with students to understand why maths works the way that it does. What do we need to know about maths.

  • Fluency

This is about accuracy and confidence rather than speed. It is a time for the students to practise their skills and consolidate their understanding.

  • Problem Solving

Is about solving a mathematical problem that the students don’t initially know how to do. This provides opportunities for students to devise solutions to problems (often collaboratively) as well as checking their solutions.

  • Reasoning

Is an opportunity for students to justify their mathematical thinking by explaining or presenting to others. This allows students to reflect on their thinking and compare other solutions and strategies.