

At Belle Vue Primary School, our students are encouraged to view themselves as authors. We read with the view of authors being mentors we can learn from and we write to entertain, inform and persuade a particular audience. We endeavour to ensure our students engage in authentic reading materials and have opportunities to write for authentic purposes.

The staff at Belle Vue work collaboratively and undertake continual professional development to see that literacy is implemented in a supportive and stimulating environment. We prioritise the learning of literacy skills through a designated ‘Literacy Block’ every morning across the school. This ensures that the development of literacy skills are uninterrupted and students maximise practice and consolidation of their learning.

Our literacy programs are planned in accordance to meet Victorian Curriculum standards, sequentially developing and extending children’s literacy skills as they progress through the school.

Within our Literacy block there is a strong connection between reading and writing. Students are made aware of the connection and use their knowledge and understanding between the two to develop their own skills.

We undertake a range of ongoing assessment practices within literacy to ensure we understand the capabilities of our students and can identify their point of need. This then informs our planning and classroom programs.


Throughout the entire day students at Belle Vue are given many opportunities to develop their formal and informal speaking and listening skills, as it is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. Students are taught the appropriate oral language for particular audiences and occasions, including body language and voice. They are also given many opportunities to develop active-listening strategies and engage in small group and whole class speaking opportunities. 


At Belle Vue, we utilise the spelling program Words Their Way. It is a developmental spelling program, which has students work with level-appropriate word sorts in order to improve their understanding of the written language.  Word sorts are simply a set of words that fall into certain spelling, sound, or semantic categories. They participate in hands-on activities that guide students to identify and learn patterns that exist in spelling. It is a sequential program with explicit teaching and systematic scope and sequence arranged into 5 spelling stages:

  1. Emergent Stage
  2. Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage
  3. Within Word Pattern Stage
  4. Syllables and Affixes Stage
  5. Derivational Relations Stage