

At Belle Vue Primary School, our students are encouraged to view themselves as authors. We read with the view of authors being mentors we can learn from and we write to entertain, inform and persuade a particular audience. We endeavour to ensure our students engage in authentic reading materials and have opportunities to write for authentic purposes.

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At Belle Vue Primary School, our students are encouraged to view themselves as authors. We read with the view of authors being mentors we can learn from and we write to entertain, inform and persuade a particular audience. We endeavour to ensure our students engage in authentic reading materials and have opportunities to write for authentic purposes.

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“Mathematics provides students with access to important mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and work lives. The curriculum also provides students, as life-long learners, with the basis on which further study and research in mathematics and applications in many other fields are built.” (Victorian Curriculum)

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At Belle Vue Primary School we implement the Zones of Regulation & Respectful Relationships programs to develop the social and emotional wellbeing of our students.

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Teaching children computational thinking, understanding, and writing code is a groundbreaking development in education in Australia. Coding concepts are introduced from Prep to Year 2 when children learn how to follow and describe a sequence of steps (computational thinking) and ways in which data is represented as pictures, symbols, and diagrams.

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Italian is one of the specialist subjects offered as part Belle Vue Primary School’s curriculum. All children from Prep through to Grade 6 participate in a 50-minute lesson of Italian each week.
Read More The emphasis of the program is on developing the child’s ability to communicate in the Italian language (specifically, assisting them to learn the knowledge, skills and behaviors relevant to the Italian language), as well as ensuring that the child develops…


Belle Vue Primary School offers a music program for all students from Foundation to Grade 6. Our music curriculum focuses on creating an inclusive and supportive environment where students feel confident to take on new challenges and step out of their comfort zones.

Physical Education

The Physical Education program for 2024 is based around Fundamental Motor skills, game play and development, teamwork and sportsmanship. Our sequential learning program aims to develop a love of physical activity, by allowing the students to gain confidence and skills that they can use to enjoy sports throughout their lives. We understand that all children contribute at different levels, and our PE lessons are aimed to meet the needs of each student, with a focus on participation and engagement.