Roll of Honour Term 3 Week 2
The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday 26th July at 2:45pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).
Principal’s Award:
Dyson Respect
For showing respect and responsibility during the 34 camp – helping the camp staff at every meal to clear tables and dishes without being asked.
Nominated by their Teacher:
Prep W Brendan Commitment
For joining Prep W & Belle Vue this term, and already showing commitment to his learning. You have been working really hard, and should be very proud of yourself!
12P Angus Commitment
For a fantastic start to term 3 and demonstrating excellent commitment to his personal goals. A 5 star effort!!
23P Kimberley Commitment
For being such a committed and respectful new member of our class. We are so lucky that you have joined our classroom.
34W Emily Commitment
For thinking deeply about fractions during maths and showing commitment to her learning.
56S Hans Commitment
Showing commitment to his reading and making valuable contributions to group discussions during the mini lesson.
56G Sam Commitment
For showing commitment to always do his best in his learning tasks by paying attention to details.
Art 56G Respect
Demonstrating respectful listening to new instructions, with a willingness to speak in turn.
Italian 12P Responsibility
For demonstrating responsibility by lining up quietly, moving through the school respectfully, and sitting attentively on the floor ready to learn. Keep it up!
PE 34W Responsibility
For showing responsibility and independence in their own learning.
Nominated by their Peers:
12P Seigo Respect
For listening respectfully to the teacher by facing the front and sitting still on a dot on the floor.
23P Kimberley Respect
For being a respectful and caring friend. We love you being in our grade.
34W Harry Respect
For showing respect by being kind to others and being a good friend.
56S Eesha Respect
Always showing respect to teachers and kindness to other students.
56G Yugo Respect
For putting in the effort everyday to be a kind and inclusive person to everyone around him.