The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday 7th June at 2:45pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).
Nominated by their Teacher:
Prep W Sam Pride
For showing pride in his work, especially handwriting, making sure he forms the letters correctly and as neatly as possible.
12P George Commitment
For showing commitment towards his learning tasks and to his reading with Mr Wood.
23P Angus Commitment
For challenging himself in Maths and making positive choices to support his own learning in class.
34W Annie Pride
For putting lots of effort into her work including her genre mini poster nd space presentation.
56G Baaran Pride
For putting extra work to improve her maths and being proud of her success in this area.
56S Jonas Commitment
For showing how he can regulate his emotions and complete his summary in reading.
ART 5/6G Responsibility
For working with such a great sense of responsibility and respect. Thank you for working as a responsible team.
PE Prep W Pride
For showing pride in how we line up beautifully and move around the school in our line.
Nominated by their Peers:
12P Barana Respect
For demonstrating respect to others by including them in her games.
23P Arnav Responsibility
For being a helpful classmate who is always ready to support anyone who needs assistance with their work.
34W Helia Respect
For always sharing and letting people join in her games.
56G Johnny Responsibility
For making choices to be focused on his work and always giving his best effort.
56S Christina Respect
For always being supportive of others.