The Bulletin

Here we are at the pointy end of a very long and tumultuous year with less than 10 (school) days to go. The last few weeks are always full of high jinx and lots of emotion. Students are changing year levels, teachers, and/or moving on. We need to be mindful that we have been through a very challenging year, that emotions are high, acknowledge this and move forward positively.

Our year 5 students, have also had the added pressure of applying for the 2021 student leadership positions. A very sensitive and intense time for them (and us!).  Well done to all the year 5 students who put themselves up for leadership positions – you should all be very proud of how well you presented.

Student Leadership 2021

On Friday our current Student Leadership Team welcomed the incoming 2021 Captains and House Captains.

Congratulations to the following students on securing a leadership position:

  • School Captains: Harrison and Charlotte
  • JSC President: Jay
  • JSC Treasurer: Isaiah
  • Music Captain: Elyssa
  • Monash House Captains: Jack and Chloe
  • Chisholm House Captains: Lucia and Audrey
  • McArthur House Captains: Ruby and Alex I

Congratulations to our outgoing School Captains.

  • School Captains: Alex and Jemima
  • JSC President: Hannah
  • JSC Treasurer: Mia
  • Music Captain: Caleb
  • Monash House Captains: David and Emily
  • Chisholm House Captains: Adem and Felicity
  • McArthur House Captains: Isabelle and Archie

What a year to be a student leader!?

When they began this year we never would have envisioned that they would have to find new and creative ways to fulfil their roles. But that is exactly what they did. They put up posts on the website and challenges online to try and connect with the students in the school. They assisted Mr Kucharski in organising Phys Ed Challenges and ran virtual assemblies. They actively sought out ways to try and fulfil their role and we couldn’t be prouder. We congratulate them, along with all our grade 6 students on being great role models, (throughout a pandemic!) for our younger students. A particularly special mention needs to be made of Jemima and Alex for being fabulous school captains – they are certainly leaders that can be looked up to.  Well done!

Staff Profile

Over the last few weeks I have written about the series of transition session that are occurring across the school and how important they are to help ease any anxiety our students may be feeling about moving up to the next (year) level. On Thursday they will meet their 2021 class teacher. 

In writing about the transition sessions, something we had not considered is that parents, new to our community this year, have not had the opportunity to get to know any teachers at the school, other than that of their child’s classroom teacher. So to help rectify this, and to give our current community a better understanding of who the teachers in our school are – we have put together a staff profile for you. Click here to view…who knows, you may learn something new about us!

Congratulations to Brigitte Raymond

We are really excited to announce that Brigitte and Andrew (her partner – NOT Mr Robinson!) are expecting a little bundle of joy into their family.

Brigitte shared this news with her class on Friday – who were super excited for her. Brigitte is due at the end of April in 2021 (if she can hang on a couple more days she could share a birthday with her little one!). Please join us in wishing Brigitte and Andrew all the best in this very exciting next step of their lives.

Grade 6 Graduation

This Friday we celebrate our grade 6 students at a special assembly held just for them and their parents/carers. With the easing of restrictions we will now be able to welcome the grade 6 parents in to listen their child make their graduation speech. There are still guidelines/parameters in place to ensure we are being Covid Safe – but we are very excited that we can have them onsite in limited numbers. Once the formalities are over (speeches and certificates) – parents will leave and the students will celebrate with their peers over a shared (individual!) lunch and an afternoon of organised activities.  We will share some happy snaps of the event with the whole community via Team App.

Have a great week everyone.
