Roll of Honour Term 3 Week 8

The following students have been nominated for the Roll of Honour and will be presented with their certificates at Assembly on Friday  6th  September at 2:45pm out by the flagpole (weather permitting—otherwise inside in the Open Area).

Principal’s Award: Athena Integrity                     

Athena has shown integrity and great care towards younger students, helping and supporting them when they were upset during lunchtime, helping her to find a lost toy.                           

Nominated by their Teacher:       

12P  GG Commitment                        

For her improved focus in the classroom, working hard on all tasks.                   

23P  Harvey Commitment                        

For always putting in his best effort and focus to all that he does.  You are an inspiration Harvey!                                                                                  

34W Raziel Responsibility

For listening during discussions and sharing his thoughts and ideas with the class

56G Ellie Integrity

For always making choices to do the right things in class, even when others  around her are not.

56S Jason Commitment

For making valuable contributions to his Literature circle discussions.

ART 5/6S Pride

For stitching with care and pride on their sampler project. Inspiring work!

Italian Prep W Commitment

For focusing on tasks and delivering exceptional results. Well done Preps for your hard work this term!

PE BVPS Pride District Athletics team

For your outstanding effort and results at District Athletics.

Nominated by their Peers:

PW Jaxon Respect                 

He’s nice and he always says thank you.                        

12P  Zahara Respect                 

For showing kindness to everyone.                                                               

23P Mila Respect                 

For being a kind member of our team.                                                      

34W Palash Responsibility

For being extremely responsible and helpful.

56G Justin Commitment

For bringing a positive attitude to his learning by valuing feedback to help his next efforts.

56S Derek Respect

For always being really nice to others.